Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 13: Work

This week i am looking to apply the theory of Morphosis to my building as a way of symbolising the complexity of the human body through the building.
The building above shows the inspiration of the morphosis theory I am looking to apply to my building
The image above shows the roof path and shape system. The roof seems to be rising from the building and growing outwards. this shows the parasitic form and once again shows the evolution from the rigid and uniform story bridge
This image shows the glass window and wall system located under the bridge.this uses the triangular steel framing system to allow those within the space ample view of the surrounding environment. the glass takes on a jagged formation symbolising its growth outwards as a parasitic buiilding, constantly wanting to develo and take over the bridge.
The image above shows the storage room of the building. This room like others is symbolising the buildings evolution as a parasite, changing from the rigid structure of the bridge, to a freely formed and new structure. the shape is supported by a triangular steel system to support the walls within.
The image above shows the new parasitic shape of the building in the office/treatment room. The room features mainly glass facing the city and uses the same steel triangular support system between the glass.

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