Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 12: Work

This week i focused mainly on the support side of the building. I have decided that i will used a cantilever system connected to the underside of the bridge. This system will hold trusses that run the length of the bridge and building. this will also use tension posts and cables and I beams

This week i focused mainly at the structure of the building and designing a structure that would use the story bridge to benefit the building. My tutor, Ruwan, said i should use a truss sytem to ensure the support system would adequately hold the building. As the image above shows, i have introduced the beams that will use a cantilever support system underneath the bridge to hold up the building.
The image above shows the system more developed. Her the truss and cantilever system is connect at four points from the opposite side of the bridge to the far end of the building. Along these trusses posts have been moulded on and rise up to I beams that run horizontally along the building.
The image above shows the posts and I beams underneath the building.

The image above shows the completed truss, cantilever and post system underneath the building.

The image above shows the other support system used for the building. It uses a post and tension cable system connected to the story bridge and the building. This system resembles the stsem used for the goodwill bridge.

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