Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 15: Presentation

The final product:
The images below show my final presentation and the slides I used.

Week 14: Work

Access around the building
Due to the clinic being for physical therapy, I though it was very important to design a building that allows the patients to be able to move throughout the building, taking different paths and being able to explore throughout.
The image above shows the one of the end on the roof. This space has been provided to allow patiets and doctors the opportunity to exercise or do daily treatments outside. People generally enjoy working outdoors in a park more than they do inside a gym, so giving this space may enthuse the patients more.
This image also shows the roof space, but gives an indication of the paths connectiong to and from around it. The ramp allows people to walk from the roof down into the main physical therapy room while the paths to the left give access to the paths around the roof.
The image above is another space atop the roof and gives another area for patients and doctors to exercise and train on. As there are five patients and they will most likely have different injuries, it is likely that they will be requiring different equipment and doing different exercises. These number of spaces give opportunities for doctor-patient private time and provide wonderful views of the city and surrouding brisbane whilst exercising.
The image above shows the ramp from the roof connecting to the physical therapy room.
This image shows another space on top of the roof. In this image you are also able to see the paths connecting to and from the space.
The images above and below show the physical therapy room. In this space you are able to see the paths leading to particular rooms and the spaces between for people to train and exercise in.

Week 13: Work

This week i am looking to apply the theory of Morphosis to my building as a way of symbolising the complexity of the human body through the building.
The building above shows the inspiration of the morphosis theory I am looking to apply to my building
The image above shows the roof path and shape system. The roof seems to be rising from the building and growing outwards. this shows the parasitic form and once again shows the evolution from the rigid and uniform story bridge
This image shows the glass window and wall system located under the bridge.this uses the triangular steel framing system to allow those within the space ample view of the surrounding environment. the glass takes on a jagged formation symbolising its growth outwards as a parasitic buiilding, constantly wanting to develo and take over the bridge.
The image above shows the storage room of the building. This room like others is symbolising the buildings evolution as a parasite, changing from the rigid structure of the bridge, to a freely formed and new structure. the shape is supported by a triangular steel system to support the walls within.
The image above shows the new parasitic shape of the building in the office/treatment room. The room features mainly glass facing the city and uses the same steel triangular support system between the glass.

Week 12: Work

This week i focused mainly on the support side of the building. I have decided that i will used a cantilever system connected to the underside of the bridge. This system will hold trusses that run the length of the bridge and building. this will also use tension posts and cables and I beams

This week i focused mainly at the structure of the building and designing a structure that would use the story bridge to benefit the building. My tutor, Ruwan, said i should use a truss sytem to ensure the support system would adequately hold the building. As the image above shows, i have introduced the beams that will use a cantilever support system underneath the bridge to hold up the building.
The image above shows the system more developed. Her the truss and cantilever system is connect at four points from the opposite side of the bridge to the far end of the building. Along these trusses posts have been moulded on and rise up to I beams that run horizontally along the building.
The image above shows the posts and I beams underneath the building.

The image above shows the completed truss, cantilever and post system underneath the building.

The image above shows the other support system used for the building. It uses a post and tension cable system connected to the story bridge and the building. This system resembles the stsem used for the goodwill bridge.

Week 11: Work

I have continued to work on the roof this week, as I believe is a very important feature within this building. As you Can see in the images below, I have looked further into the shape of the roof, the spaces for individuals to escape to and the shape of the roof.
The image above shows the height difference in the two paths. The idea here is to give firstly, difference in experience for those using the paths. Secondly the use of the paths and stairs as you can see in the image, will be used a patients improve walking as a means of testing and practice. As they improve, they should be able to move furthe throuhgout the building as a means of testing themselves. Thirdly. The height difference of the 'floor' of the roof will allow me to play with the roof of inside the building.
The image above and the image below, whilst very similar, show the paths moving throuhgout the roof area and the personal spaces on the roof area.
The image above shows a close up of the path, and how i am looking at exploring the shape of the roof. I am looking at creating at abstract and unusual shapes that will hide spaces for personal use and allow the light into the building for natural lighting.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 10: Work

At this stage and for the recent presentation i used the roof structure seen above. It is very simple and i believe it is extremely important to utilise as many opportunities that may be available. Therefore i have started to explore a roof that will be to be accessed, will have paths and spaces for people to escape to the outdoors and that will maximise the sunlight for natural lighting rather than artificial.
As you can see above, I have firstly made the roof flat. From here I will explore path options on the roof, best places for 'spaces' to be and the shape of the roof.
The image above shows the paths that i have created for this space. Whilst it is not possible to see in this picture the path on the right of the roof has been lifted higher to separate the spaces and give different options to the patients. From this point i will look to shape the roof between and around the paths to separate areas and provide private areas for the patients to use.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week 9: After Class Feedback

After seeing the other people in my classes presentations, it gave me some influences that may help in answering the topics i wish to delve into further for my assignment. The topics I wish to look into further in my assignment are:
  • The correct use of materials to create the most efficient hospital in terms of ventilation, light, aesthetics etc
  • Understand the structural side of buildings more to create a building with an attractive structural form that can be used aesthetically as well as functionally sound.
  • Exploring Vegetative ways to create an external environment which incorporates nature and allows for user interaction with the natural world


The materials I plan to used mainly are various types of timber, glass and steel. Mixing thee three together I hope to create a building and spaces that are unique and provide the best possible environment for the patients. Some ideas I want to look into more:

I am using this photo because I like, and would like to use the idea of the windows. Obviously being in a building high on a bridge, with lots of wind, lots of direct sunlight and patients inside, it is not a good idea to use glass as the main wall structure. I would like to use unusual shapes for the windows because I want those inside to enjoy the best view, to create unique spaces and to naturally light the space during the day.

This building gives another example of a unique windows layout and design. I would like to incorporate this type and the type above to create a new unique window type that will suit my building the best.


This building shows the capabilities of a cantilever structure for a house, whilst being able to create a unique and aesthetically pleasant design.

Another cantilever type construction which is unique and provides good structural support. Obviously in my design I shall have to use a cantilever structure type such as this, but it will have to be more advanced to hold the weight of the building and use the existing structure of the bridge.

This shows the underside of the steel used for the cantilever structure. In my design I will also have to use this sort of method, but it will no doubt be a more complex system to hold a bigger building off a bridge rather than off the ground.

Another example of a cantilever structure. As visible in this example the size and strength of the supports can mean an immense amount of weight is able to be held up, with the correct use of materials.


This photo shows an example of the type of environment I would like to incorporate with my building. I would like to further explore creating a green environment on top as a means of ventilation and aesthetic delight, as well as maybe a space to be within for the patients. I would also like to be able to create green spaces between existing rooms in voids for the patients to enjoy as well.

This photos gives another example of a rooftop garden. Whilst it is becoming common practice over in the states, it is a practice that has not been accepted in Brisbane yet. This could be due to the fact that we are still able to have green spaces within the city and around the city, whereas they are in desperate need, And need to create spaces to turn into green spaces.I would like to look further into these ideas to create a new way of providing green space in my building for the patients and medical staff.