Sunday, April 17, 2011

Week 7: After class feedback

This diagram shows an ideal layout that i would like to have in my design. obviously the scale is too large and i would not be able to fit 1000 square metres in this area. But it shows the seperation in spaces that i would like to have, and the efficient means of travel between each.

A quick concept diagram of a posible lift system. This system, instead of using one lift and waiting for it to get backwards and forwards, it contains a number of lifts within to be able to get on the lift as soon as the last one left.

A Three dimensional diagram of the layout i would like and the positioning of the building around the bridge. With a seperation like this it is important to have the best possible means of movement between each.

Another three dimensional view of the layout. I attempt to show distance between rooms in this drawing as i would like the building to not be contained in a small space and rather spread out, dependant on the function and purpose of the room, but with good means of transport between each.

A quick concept drawing of the building surrounding the bridge

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